Commercial Unmanned Aerial Systems, The Ecosystem Series – Data Processing
This post represents the first in a series, as Velocity Group continues to map the evolving commercial UAS competitive landscape. Company categories are not intended to be all encompassing but should provide a good idea regarding the scope and breadth of companies competing in given market areas.
Over time Velocity Group will examine and list known competitors with primary core competencies in:
- UAV Manufacturer
- Software
- Services
- UAS Service Provider
- RF/Comms
- Propulsion/Engines
- Manufacturing
- Government & Media
- Embedded Systems/Products
- Electronics/Defense Electronics
- Data Processing
- Components

Data Processing is an area of ongoing focus, given the volume, variety, and velocity of commercial UAV data moving through various enterprises. The ability to quickly process this data into actionable imagery and information is a “must have” for drone-enabled service providers. In such a way, the growth of a truly commercial/industrial drone services market will rise in tandem with data collection, processing, exploitation, and dissemination.
The list: Most of these companies are multifaceted and will have operations in adjacent markets. They represent a core group of organizations specializing in the processing and throughput of imagery and information.

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